How to add meta tags blog
Adding Meta tags in blog was one of the most populartechniques for search engine optimization. But now a day it has less importancein SEO (search engine optimization).
Meta tags tell the search engine about the blog or web page.It helps in increasing the traffic a little bit. But it is good to use Meta tagin blogs and web page as some search engine might use it.
Adding Meta in single page is simple. You just have to pastesome code in some specific area.
Let’s see how we can use Meta tags.
First of all log in and click on design tab.
In design page click on edit HTML
There you see the code window. In your code window find thefollowing code. It will be in
<head> </head> section.
<b:includedata='blog' name='all-head-content'/>
Below this code add the following code and save thetemplate.
<meta content=write the description of ur blog 'name='description'/>
<meta content='write the keyword'name='keywords'/>
<meta content=’write the author name'name='author'/>
This will do for single blog page or where all blog contentare same. If you post different types of topic on different pages then weshould add Meta tags for different pages.You just need to change the code a little bit. In place of above Meta code add the following Meta code.
<b:if cond='data:blog.url == “Type your pageurl between qutation” '>
<metacontent=’Type your page description here' name='description'/>
<metacontent=’Type your page keyword here' name='keywords'/>
I give you an example just follow it.
Save the changes. If you find any problem regarding this pleaselet me know. I will try to find another way out.
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