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Transfer post from one blog to another

In blogspot it's so easy to transfer blog posts and pages from one blog to another. You don't need to rewrite all the article form one blog to another.Just follow the following steps.Hope it will be helpfull.

First step:
Go to you dashboard.
 You see in Xtreem-solution blog there are 12 posts and I want to transfer this post in Blogging tricks and tutorial blog

Second Step:
Go to setting menu of the blog from which you want to transfer the posts or pages. In this case I will go to my xtreem-solution blog settings.

Third step:
In settings menu basic tab you see three options : Import blog, Export blog and delete blog.
Select export blog option and you will be prompt to select a location to save a xml file. Select a location in your hard drive.
Fourth step:
Now in the same way go to the blog  setting tab in which you want you want to transfer your blog posts and pages. In this case it will be blogger tricks and tutorials.

Fifth step:
Now select import blog options and navigate it to the xml file you saved earlier by exporting blog.

Fill the blanks and click on the import blog tab.It will take some time depending on the post number in your previous blog. After completing the job you will see that all the posts are being transfered to your new blog.
Final step:
Delete the unwanted posts and publish the posts you want. If you are thinking of Adsense then Adsense does not allow duplicate posts. So don't publish same post in different blog or you will be caught by google. 
Only publish from one blog. Otherwise your hard work will be a waste.

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