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Decrease the Start Menu Delay

Its an another tricks on the way to speed up your PC. This post relates the modification of registry to decrease the start menu delay. However if your incorrectly modify your registry them serious problem may occur. So read before modifying the registry First Backup the registry before modifying, If any problem occurs then just load it. Just follow the step by step procedure as follow:

First open the run command from start menu and type regedit or regedt32 and press enter or click ok.
Registry editor window will be shown. From this window go to the following location:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER-->Control Panel-->Desktop
Click on Desktop and on the right side you see some options and from these options find out the MenuShowDelay option. Generally its value set to 400. Double click on this option and change the value to 0 . close the window and restart the PC.
Registry Modification
Again strictly speaking before modifying any registry file first backup it for your own pc safety.

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