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Manage Service Startup

When window starts some services automatically starts at the start up and runs on the background for running operating system smoothly and also for running some other application. Some of them are important to run but some others are not necessary. As they runs on the background, they slow your system performance. Knowing which service not necessary you can stops this service. This will improve your system performance.

This task involves registry modification so before going there please keep in mind that any incorrect registry modification may cause serious problem. So before doing anything with registry first Backup your registry and also create an restore point.

Its better to disable a service from Services computer-management console. You will find it by typing services.msc in Run Command(Start-->Run).

From here on the right side you will see the services. To change or see the status double click on the selected service and the properties dialogue box will appear. On general tab from drop down menu we can change the start type.
When you find a service that is not required at start up, then change the start up type automatic to manual, if totally not needed than disable it, from the drop down menu.
Service Star up Settings
Here are some sample service that generally not needed in start up. They are as follow:
Uninterruptible Power Supply, Automatic Updates, Portable Media Serial Number, Wireless Zero Configuration Service etc.
Click on this link to see the all tips about Speeding up your PC on a single page.

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