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What is Internet Domain Address?

Domain names can represent numbers of IP addresses, and well known use of domain names is to identify specific web address. Domain names are used in URLs for identifying web addresses. On the Internet, Domain is the part of each network Address. It consists of web site, email addresses and also FTP, IRC, SSH etc internet protocol address.

For an example, is web url and here widipedia is the domain and wiki is a directory in that domain and Main_Page is a file in that directory. So They all share the same domain name.

Domain names are categorized by levels which we see at the end of the domain as suffix. We are familiar with Top level domains (TLD) such as .com, .org, .edu etc. They are lots of Top level domains, also each country got one by its name such as .ca for canada, .th for thailand etc.

Internet Corporation For Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is the governing body for domain names, it is a nonprofitable organization.

Our current Internet system is based on IP address hence these domain names needs to be translated into IP addresses, hence each web server willl need a Domain Name System (DNS) for translating them.

To obtain a top level domain name you may need to purchase from a domain registrar.

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