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The Eye of God or All Seeing Eye or Eye of Providence,

The Eyes of God is a well known ancient symbol which is  can be found in many ancient mostly religious culture. The Eyes of God is also known as All seeing eye, Eye of Providence etc. Also thing that make it so familiar is that the eyes of god is a part of the Great seal.

US Great Seal Reverse
Ecodemocracia6Second Great Seal of the US BAH-p257

On the above picture we see the images of an eye above the pyramid. In 1782, this symbol was taken as a part of Great seal on its reverse side. On the above pictures as we see on the upper side of the the words Annuit Coeptis the meaning of this words are "He approves (or has approved) [our] undertakings", and under the piramid we see the words Novus Ordo Seclorum, which means "New Order of the Ages".
Eye of God - Negev n001
Ancient engraving in rock; the "Eye of God"

A spiritual symbol. Some says it means that  humankind in the eyes of god, watched by every second. So chance to cross the eye of the gods.

Also another interesting thing is that a picture taken by NASA by the Hubble telescope also known as The Eye of the God, it is a rare picture which is possibly occurred once within 3000 years.
The Eyes of the God taken by Hubble Telescope
The Eye of the God (This picture is taken from NASA)

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