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How it works Industrial Networking TCP/IP

Industrial Networking and TCP/IP

A LAN is a communication between one or more computers, file-servers, terminals, workstations and many other sophisticated peripheral types of equipment.

A LAN allows access to property must be shared by several consumers, including all connectivity between all sites in the network.

The connection of a device to a LAN is made from a node .A node is any point where a device is connected and each node is allocated a different address number.

All information submitted to the LAN must be prefixed with different address destination node.
LAN's work at the high speeds 2-100 Mbps & upwards with a shared transmission medium over a fairly small local areas.

In a local area network, the software that controls the transfer of information from the supplies for the network to be problems with the participation of many services from the network  without problems or corruption of data.

Since the ability to use a variety of users in the network at the same time, some rules must establish that tools can use the network, when and what conditions. These rights are paid in general are of access control. Regulations are depending on the model and type of the network.

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