Basic top EEE MCQ Questions Answers Electricity and magnetism
Basic EEE MCQ Questions Answers Electricity and magnetism
1. Who discovered the relationship between magnetism and Electricity for the theory of electromagnetism? Ans:- Hans Christian Oersted.
2. Who demonstrated the theory of electromagnetic induction in1831? Ans: Michael Faraday
3. Developed the electromagnetic theory of light in 1862. Ans: James Clerk Maxwell
4. Whenever a flux inking a coil or current changes and emf is induced in it. This is known as-Ans: Faradays first law of electromagnetic induction.
5. The force of attraction or repulsion between two magnetic poles is directly proportional to their strengths Ans: Coulomb’s first law
6. The polarity of the induced voltage will oppose the change in the magnetic flux causing the induction Called.. Ans: Lenz’ Law
7. Lenz’ Law is the consequence of the law of conservation of.. Ans: Energy
8. Lenz’ Law states that the direction of the induced emf and hence current.. Ans: Always opposes the cause producing it.
9. The process by which an emf and hence current is generated or induced in a conductors when there is a change in the magnetic flux linking the conductor is called… Ans: Electromagnetic Induction.
10. The emf induced in a coil due to the change of its own flux linked with it is called.. Ans: Self induced emf
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