Finding fault histroy in Simoreg 6RA70 DC Drive
In SIMOREG 6RA70 DC drive there are built in options in the drive to generate various types of fault and store them in drive memory.
For Diagnostic purpose when a fault occurred we need to see three things from drive. One is fault code or message. It give a overall idea about the fault. The second thing is the fault value. If we observe the drive manual under a certain fault there are some sub options identified by numbers. They are fault value. A fault value help up to be more specific about the fault. And as a maintenance engineer we should always keep an eye on how long the problem takes. The third thing is the occurrence time means when the problem occurred.
All these can be observed in a 6RA70 DC drive. Let see how.
When a fault occurred it is probable that multiple problems can be occurred at a same time. In 6RA70 at best eight (8) these types of fault can be saved. Means it at the same time numbers of fault occurred then it can save up to eight (8) fault.
Total eight(8) nos of fault history can be saved in it. Means eight faults from different time slot can be saved and in each time eight fault that occurred at the same time can be saved. When new fault occurred then the last one deleted.
The Fault code or fault value can be seen from the parameter p947 (r947) a read only parameter shows the fault code or message. In this parameter you see total of 64 index. First eight index is allotted for the first at a time occurred fault. Suppose only one fault occurred at a time then index 1 will be filled and other 7 index will be 0.
The Fault value can be seen from r949 parameter. It is also a read only parameter. It holds the corresponding value for p947 ( r947) index. It has same nos of index like r947.
And the Fault time can be seen from r049. It just got 8 index.
Fault code, value and time |
In index one current fault is stored if it is not acknowledged. Acknowledged fault moves to the below. From figure you see only 1,9,17,25,33,41,49,57 index are relevant .
It is a great feature of Simoreg 6RA70 drive. Proper using of fault code along with fault value save lots of time. It is a really helpful tool in industrial sector.
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