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Illustrator tutorial: Blending Mode.

Blending is one of the common ways to play with color in Illustrator. You make you work lively and colorful by using this. Before going with the different modes of blending you should know the following three terms.
                Blend color         :               It is color of your selected object.
                Base color           :               It is the color of your selected objects underlying color.
Now we will see the result of different blending mode.

This mode is selected by default way. With this mode blend and base color are independent. The resulting color will be the one which you have painted.

The darker color between blend and base color is selected. The lighter portion of the blend color replaced by the darker color but the darker portion not changed.

This mode always produce a darker color except multiplication with black produce black and multiplication with white produce no change.

Color Burn
               The resulted color is reflected by darkening the base color with one exception that, color burn with white makes no changes.

It is the opposite of Darken mode. The lighter color between blend and base color is selected.The darker portion of the blend color replaced by the lighter color but the lighter color not changed.

It is the opposite mode of multiply. It multiplies the inverse of blend and base color and always produces a lighter color except screening with black doesn’t change color and with white produce white.

Color Dodge
It is the opposite of color burn. The blend color is reflected by brightening the base color.

Either Multiplies or screens depending on the base color.

Soft Light
Either Darkens or lightens depending on the blend color.
Hard LightEither Multiplies or screens depending on the blend color. If blend color is lighter than 50% gray then screened. If greater than 50% then multiplies. Don’t change pure black or white. 

The blend or base that have the higher brightness will be subtracts from other 

No change by exclusion with black. Similar to difference mode. But the contrast is low. 

The base color got the luminance and Saturation of the base color and the hue of the blend color.

 Got luminance and hue of base color and saturation of blend color

Got luminance of the base color and hue and saturation of blend color

Got hue and saturation of base color and luminance of blend color

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