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Submit your blogger blog in Google

Sitemap in its simple way is the total structural image of you web page or blog. It has all the links of your web page or blog. It’s normally an xml or text file where all the links are written in some defined way. There are also some sites from which you can make your own sitemap by just submitting your web page or blog URL.
Submitting sitemaps in Google mean you are officially informing or requesting Google to enlist your web page or blog’s content to present them in its search list in case of any search. But it does not mean you will get huge traffic by only submitting sitemap. It is helpful but you need to have high quality content to attract traffic.
For submitting site map of any owned web page your need to store your site-map xml file in the root folder. But in blogger as you don’t have the access of that Google has another way for submitting your blog sitemap. You will submit sitemap through webmaster tool

First, log into Google webmaster tool using your Gmail ID. 
Then click on the add site and give your root address. 
Webmaster welcome page

After that you need to verify the ownership.
Verify ownership

Select the alternate method for verification as blogger does not give us the access to root folder.You see a Meta tag and you need to copy this Meta tag in blogger template. From blogger paste it in Design->Edit HTML just under the <head> tag. Save the template and again go to webmaster page and click on verify owner ship. If you correctly done the above things your site will be added.

Click on you site url then we will be directed to dashboard. From menu go to Site configuration-> Sitemap
Now click on submit sitemap and any the following code



But I recommend you to add the first code because by adding this code you can index upto 500 post url but if you add the second then only 25 posts url will be indexed. normally one blog hold many posts so the second one is better.

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