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Draw a Rising Sun with Photoshop

Final Image

Do the following steps for drawing a rising sun.
Draw with Marquee Tool
Open a New file and with Elliptical Marquee Tool draw a circle by pressing Alt+Shift.

Fill Properties

Fill the circle from Edit-->Fill or press Shift+F5. From the window select use Black Mode multiply and opacity 100%.

Added Difference Cloud Effect 3 Times

Now make your foreground color Black Background color white. Now click on Filter--> Render--> Difference Cloud to give this difference cloud effect. And add the same effect for two more times. Just press Ctrl+F to give the current effect.

Level Properties

Now From Image-->Adjustments click on Levels or press Ctrl+L to open the level window. Keep the input Levels as 0, 1.38 and 200 or adjust on your own. Keep the output level in default 0,255.

Unsharpen Mask Properties
Now open Unsharp Mask from Filter-->Sharpen-->Unsharp Mask. From the window select the parameter as follow: Take amount 500%, Radious 3.0 and Threshold 15%.

After Spherize effect

Now From Filter-->Distort click on Spherize and keep amount 100% and click ok. Again click on spherize effect and this time keep amont 48%.

Color Balance

Now from Image-->Adjustment go to color balance and from this color balance window For shadow and  Midtones keep Red level +100% and Yellow level -100% and keep Magenta as 0%. And for Highlight Keep +70,0,-15 as shown in figure. 

Now you have the red rising Sun for more real look You can add some star background. Just simply take a black layer and from Filter-->noise click on Add noise. Keep amount around 20% and mode Gaussian and check Monochromatic checkbox. Star Back ground made. Now Place Your Red sun on this background.

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