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JPG, PNG, GIF which format should be used in Blog or Website

JPG, PNG, GIF these are most commonly used picture format. BMP is also used but not that much. All formats have there own advantages and disadvantages. For better performance we should use them perfectly. 
Normally we take screen shots by pressing print screen key from keyboard or with some professional or non professional software tool. Whatever we use it doesn't matter, but the main thing we need is that we want the best quality with least size. 

First, if you want to take screen shot from desktop such as dialog box etc then it would be better to take them in PNG format. The main advantage of this format is you will get clear image with all color unaltered that is better then JPG.

Second, if you want to take screen shot from video or animation then take them in JPG format, the main advantage is that with almost same quality PNG format will take almost greater then double size.

Third, if you want to take screen shot of some text then better take them in GIF or PNG format to get clear image with small size.

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