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Searching Easily From Internet

Searching over internet is extremely necessary in our day by day life. There are millions of website for millions of subject. And sometimes we need to know something from them. Then we use different search engines for searching our desired content, but it happens that a lot searching needed to find what we need. Most of the time they drive us towards something unnecessary. It is because all search engine follow some rules for , and if we search using these syntax then searching will be a please idea. 

Google itself has number of operator for searching. We will see some of the important syntax which we will need in our daily life.

The most common Syntax for GOOGLE is as follow
keyword Opeartor:Parameter
Things to remember: No space after colon and Search engines are case sensitive.

This operator is useful for searching something from a specific web site and its subdomains. For an example if you want to search about football from wikipedia , here our key word is football and operator site and  parameter is the website. Place your search like as follow
Now if you want search about football from all org domain sites then place your search like as follow
football site:org
See how dramatically your searching changes by these searching operator.

This operator is very helpful for finding specific formatted file. If you are looking for some types of specific formatted file then you can use this operator that will make your searching very simple.

Suppose you want to search about a power point presentation file about human traffic. And we know power point presentation files formats are ppt or pptx. If you want ppt formatted file then place your search as follow
human traffic filetype:ppt

This operator is very useful for searching specific word in url or web address. Suppose you want to find a website which contains the word face then use this inurl operator for you searching as it will fetch all the web address that contain face as a part of address. Then search should be placed as follow
If you want to search more than one word in web address then you can use the allinurl operator.
allinurl:online movie

If you want to search about specific keyword in web page title then you can use this operator. intitle operator search the specific keyword in web pages title and fetch it for you.
If you want to search more than one keyword in title then use the allintitle operator.
allintitle:download movie

If you want to know the meaning of some word then this operator is very helpful. This will fetch all the description about your keyword this stored in various site.
define operator cannot be used as combine with other keyword.

This operator can be to combine multiple search. For an example you want search the all pdf and doc files about human traffic then you can place your search as follow
human traffic filetype:doc OR filetype:doc

Also all other operators can also be used together for compact searching.

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